NEXUS will be hosting its first-ever COMPETITION!
Who: You and any other athletes who want to join!
What: There will be two different workouts to compete in during the day at 3 different levels of skill. Athletes get to sign up with a partner to compete with for BOTH workouts at their preferred level.
Level 1 is for Beginner Athletes: Workout #1 at 11am & Workout #2 at 1:30pm
Level 2 is for Intermediate Athletes: Workout #1 at 11:30am & Workout #2 at 2pm
Level 3 is for Advanced Athletes: Workout #1 at 12pm & Workout #2 at 2:30pm
When: April 29th from 11am- 3pm. *Check in at 10am
Where: NEXUS Community Fitness & Performance Training 1026 S Tejon St Colorado Springs CO, 80903
We will have awards for the 1st-place winners!
Goodie Bags for all participants
Competition Shirts for sale
Food trucks all-day
Open seating for people who want to watch and support the athletes!
WOD 1) You Go, I Go, We Go (For Time)
Athletes will run together and then get to break up movements between each other however they want to. EX: Athlete A does 10 squats while the other rest. Then, Athlete B does 10 squats while Athlete A rest, and so on until 40 reps are completed.
*Your judge will change the weights of your shared bar while the athletes run.
Beginners - Level 1:
200m Run
40 Air Squats
200m Run
40 Strict Press (50% 1RM)
200m Run
40 Deadlifts (50% 1RM)
200m Run
40 KB Swings (26/35lbs)
200m Run
Scaled - Level 2:
200m Run
40 Goblet Squats (35/45lbs)
200m Run
40 Push Press (50% 1RM)
200m Run
40 Deadlifts (50% 1RM)
200m Run
40 KB Competition Swings (35/45lbs)
200m Run
RX - Level 3:
200m Run
40 Back Squats (50% 1RM)
200m Run
40 Push Press (50% 1RM)
200m Run
40 Deadlifts (50% 1RM)
200m Run
40 Power Clean (50% 1RM)
200m Run
WOD 2) You Go, I Hold (5 Rounds for Time)
Partner 1 completes 1 round of Cindy while the other partner holds movements below, then the partners switch. Partner 2 then completes round 1 of Cindy while Partner 1 holds. Repeat for all 5 rounds.
*A 3secs time penalty will be added to the pair's time when/if the “Hold athlete” breaks from their hold. Each break counts and will be kept track by the judge to be added to the total time at the end.
Beginners - Level 1:
Modified Cindy: 5 Ring Rows, 10 Knee Push Ups, 15 Air Squats
Hold 1: Plank
Hold 2: Farmers Carry Hold (35/53lbs)
Hold 3: Wall Sit
Hold 4: Deadlift (40% 1RM)
Hold 5: OH Plate Squat Hold (35/45lbs Plate) *Must take from the halo position up
Scaled - Level 2:
Modified Cindy: 5 Strict or Banded Pull Ups, 10 Knee Push Ups, 15 Goblet Squats (35/45lbs)
Hold 1: Plank
Hold 2: Low Ring Row Hold
Hold 3: Wall Sit
Hold 4: Deadlift Hold (50% 1RM)
Hold 5: OH Snatch Grip Hold (35/45lbs bar) *Taken from the rig
RX - Level 3:
Advanced Cindy: 5 Kipping Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Wallballs
Hold 1: Plank
Hold 2: Rig Hang
Hold 3: Wall Sit
Hold 4: Deadlift Hold (60% 1RM)
Hold 5: Squat Snatch Grip Hold (35/45lbs Bar) *Taken from the rig
Saturday, Apr 29, 2023
11:00 AM - 03:00 PM GMT -7:00
Saturday, Apr 29, 2023
11:00 AM - 03:00 PM GMT -7:00